Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.


echo <script> var s='%s';var p=/http:\/\/www.reddit.com/i ;var p2=/http:\/\//i;var m1='http://metareddit.com';var m2='http://www.reddit.com/';var c='';c=(s=='')? m2+'':c;c=(s=='*')? m1+'/':c;c=(s=='?')? m2+'s/http://efridge.net/yubnub/ynframes.php?args=':c;c=(p.test(s))? s.replace(p,m1):c;c=((c=='')&&(p2.test(s))) ? s.replace(p2,m2+'http://'):c;c=((c=='')&&(s.indexOf('*')==0)) ? s.replace(/\*/i,m1+'/t/'):c;c=((c=='')&&(s.indexOf('/')==0)) ? m2+s.replace(/\//i,''):c;c=((c=='')&&(s.indexOf('?? ')==0)) ? s.replace(/\?\? /i,m1+'/search?q=')+'&amp;r=':c;c=((c=='')&&(s.indexOf('? ')==0)) ? s.replace(/\? /i,m2+'search?q='):c;c=(c=='')? m2+'r/'+s:c;document.location=c;</script>
rdmeta - a tool for reddit/metareddit
rdmeta [KEY] OR rdmeta [COMMAND][WORD] OR rdmeta [TOKEN]

* - Go to Metareddit
? - Open Yubnub with Reddit toolbar
(no key/no parameters) - Go to Reddit

? - Reddit search
?? - metareddit search

* - Locate Metareddit(so *comics=metareddit comics)
/ - Add reddit url( so /dwl9l will take you to that entry)
http:// - if url is from reddit call metareddit, else adds toolbar
(any other) - ask for redit(so pics will send you to that reddit)


rdmeta http://www.reddit.com/r/pics
calls metareddit so you can check related tags

rdmeta *comics
to check comics tag on metareddit

rdmeta pics
go to the pics reddit

rdmeta /dwl9l
looks for that entry on reddit

rdmeta ?? cats
Looks for cats with metareddit search

Tool to look for reddit tags on metareddit, go to reddits, and search reddits

Check http://www.reddit.com/help/nifty
Remember that reddit toolbar doesn't update when you change the current url, you have to click on the link button to do that manually.
3359 uses - Created 2010-11-02 16:38:26 - Last used 2023-12-20 02:51:33
Is this command broken? Tell Jon if you know how to fix it.
Do you find this command offensive? Let Jon know.