Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.

The Most-Used Commands

Tip: For a list of particularly interesting Yubnub commands, check out Yubnub Golden Eggs. Also see the Most-Used Commands.
Tip: You can search the descriptions by typing "ls [word or phrase]". For example, to search for all commands about music, type "ls music".

g (Golden Egg)
SYNOPSIS g [keywords] EXAMPLE g YubNub Performs a Google search using the given keywords.
22879666 uses - Created 2005-06-06 07:29:18 - Last used 2024-07-27 01:12:07 - Description - http://www.google.com/search?q=%s

Takes Google news in UTF-8 format
16760193 uses - Created 2006-09-17 18:11:27 - Last used 2024-07-12 11:20:28 - Nominate - Description - http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&ie=UTF-8&q=%s&output=rss

Get description of particular yahoo news
16001012 uses - Created 2006-09-14 19:54:23 - Last used 2023-11-19 06:41:45 - Nominate - Description - http://news.search.yahoo.com/news/rss?ei=UTF-8&p=%s&c=&eo=UTF-8

OneLook Reverse Dictionary Find a word by giving the definition: ex. olrd barrel maker ("cooper") ex. olrd museum guide ("docent") Also, find crossword answers: ex. olrd m?z??t:composer ("Mozart") ex. olrd sat*:composer ("Satie")
12578430 uses - Created 2006-01-27 19:37:51 - Last used 2024-07-24 16:17:43 - Nominate - Description - http://www.onelook.com/?w=*&loc=revfp&clue=%s

match (Golden Egg)
NAME match - Run a RegExp pattern against a string SYNOPSIS match [STRING] [-url [URL FOR PAGE TO USE AS STRING]] -pattern [REGEXP PATTERN] -nbrmatches [RETURN NUMBER OF MATCHES?] -matchnbr [RETURN MATCH AT] -capture [CAPTURE?] -as [AS] -callback [CALLBACK] EXAMPLES match <div>hello</div>blah -pattern /<div>.*?<\/div>/ returns an XML-style 'array' with one element, '<div>hello</div>' match <div>hello</div>blah<div>hi</div> -pattern /<div>.*?<\/div>/ returns an XML-style 'array' with two element…
5706010 uses - Created 2006-04-26 07:40:22 - Last used 2024-07-22 21:42:39 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/singpolymaplay/yubnub-match.php?xn_auth=no&string=%s&pattern=${pattern}&nbrmatches=${nbrmatches}&matchnbr=${matchnbr}&capture=${capture}&as=${as}&callback=${callback}&url=${url}

url (Golden Egg)
Converts a YubNub command to a URL. For example, url gim porsche 911 displays the following text: http://images.google.com/images?q=porsche+911 This command will be useful for people experimenting with chaining YubNub commands together.
4561569 uses - Created 2005-07-15 04:39:23 - Last used 2024-06-24 02:41:11 - Description - http://yubnub.org/parser/url?command=%s

% (Golden Egg)
NAME % - Returns a sublist of words for a given phrase SYNOPSIS % [RANGE] [PHRASE] [-SILENT true] arguments: <RANGE> The format of the range parameter is: N N'th word of the phrase, counted from 1 N- from N'th word to end of phrase N-M from N'th to M'th (included) word -M from first to M'th (included) word This syntax is is based on the Linux command CUT Here's the manual page: http://nixdoc.net/man-pages/Linux/man1/CUT.1.html <PHRASE> The string, words separated by spaces. <SILENT true> Option…
3101771 uses - Created 2005-12-14 18:31:38 - Last used 2024-07-01 17:20:05 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/yubtools/split.php?phrase=%s&silentmode=${silent}&xn_auth=no

wp (Golden Egg)
English WikiPedia search ---------- Old implementation: http://en.wikipedia.org/{ifThen -value1 %s -value2 -test NOTEQUAL -then ?search=%s -else wiki/Main_Page}
2736220 uses - Created 2005-06-05 22:32:14 - Last used 2024-07-26 22:30:42 - Description - http://en.wikipedia.org/?search=%s

2267517 uses - Created 2006-10-15 17:41:30 - Last used 2013-02-19 06:29:52 - Nominate - Description - open {url pipett {% 2- %s}};{url echo {% 1 %s}}

Performs a "Google Define:" command which gets definitions of the word(s) in all languages you've submitted
2261427 uses - Created 2006-09-08 06:56:40 - Last used 2023-11-19 06:48:43 - Nominate - Description - http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3A+%s&hl=en&lr=&oi=definel&defl=all

yt (Golden Egg)
Search YouTube.. Like flickr for videos.
1665911 uses - Created 2005-08-14 16:12:27 - Last used 2024-07-27 00:46:31 - Description - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=search_videos&search_sort=relevance&search_query=%s&search=Search

Dictionary Search using Onelook. Example: onelook duplicity
1613223 uses - Created 2005-06-20 20:38:28 - Last used 2024-07-27 00:48:25 - Nominate - Description - http://www.onelook.com/?w=%s&ls=a

echo (Golden Egg)
NAME echo - display a line of text SYNOPSIS echo [STRING] EXAMPLE echo Hello, World! AUTHOR Jonathan Aquino <jonathan.aquino@gmail.com>
1370828 uses - Created 2005-07-16 19:48:17 - Last used 2024-07-26 15:50:47 - Description - http://yubnub.org/example/echo?text=%s

gim (Golden Egg)
SYNOPSIS gim [keywords] EXAMPLE gim "porsche 911" Performs a Google Image search using the given keywords. ---------- Old implementation: http://images.google.com/images?q=%s
1164684 uses - Created 2005-06-04 20:39:14 - Last used 2024-07-27 01:07:26 - Description - https://www.google.com/search?q=%s&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch

ifThen (Golden Egg)
NAME ifThen - Compares two values (or evaluates a conditional statement) and returns a value based on the result SYNOPSIS This command can be used with two different syntaxes: ifThen -value1 [VALUE 1] -value2 [VALUE 2] -test [CONDITIONAL TEST] -then [RESULT IF TRUE] -else [RESULT IF FALSE] -redirect [REDIRECT] OR: ifThen (CONDITIONAL STATEMENT)RESULT IF TRUE, RESULT IF FALSE -delimit [DELIMITER] -redirect [REDIRECT] EXAMPLES The following are examples using both of the two syntaxes: ifThen -val…
1090467 uses - Created 2005-08-12 04:14:04 - Last used 2023-11-19 06:52:35 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/yubscripts/ifthen/ifthen.php?value1=${value1}&value2=${value2}&test=${test}&then=${then}&els=${else}&redirect=${redirect=false}&input=%s&delimit=${delimit=,}&xn_auth=no

ls (Golden Egg)
SYNOPSIS ls [word or phrase] EXAMPLES ls ls music Lists information about all the commands in YubNub. Sorts entries by date. If you specify a word or phrase, YubNub will search the descriptions, names, and urls for that word or phrase. For example, "ls music" will return all YubNub commands pertaining to music.
679587 uses - Created 2005-06-04 12:42:27 - Last used 2024-07-27 01:07:28 - Description - http://yubnub.org/kernel/ls?args=%s

imdb (Golden Egg)
Searches for anything on the International Movie Database
534238 uses - Created 2005-06-05 23:00:44 - Last used 2024-07-26 18:18:48 - Description - http://www.imdb.com/find?q=%s

Returns the last word in a phrase, using a silly recursion of browser redirects. If the phrase is too long, your browser may give up on following the trail of breadcrumbs. Example: reursiveLast one two three (returns "three").
479614 uses - Created 2006-03-07 18:55:14 - Last used 2013-05-26 00:06:08 - Nominate - Description - ifThen -redirect True -value1 {% 2- %s} -value2 -test EQUAL -then %s -else http://yubnub.org{url[no url encoding] recursiveLast {% 2- %s}} [no url encoding]

ge (Golden Egg)
SYNOPSIS ge [word or phrase] EXAMPLES ge ge dictionary Displays the YubNub Golden Eggs - a list of YubNub commands that people seem to find particularly useful and interesting. If you specify a word or phrase, YubNub will search the descriptions, names, and urls for that word or phrase. For example, "ge dictionary" will return all Golden-Egg commands pertaining to dictionaries.
401747 uses - Created 2005-06-16 05:47:48 - Last used 2024-07-27 01:07:25 - Description - http://yubnub.org/kernel/golden_eggs?args=%s

gm (Golden Egg)
Google Maps Search. Google Maps has several handy features included within it. To map out a single location, just type the address. Example: gmaps 123 Maple Dr. Detroit, MI To find businesses or other specific things, simply give the location and business. Example: pizza in Detroit To get directions from one location to another, type both locations. Example: from 123 Maple Dr. Detroit, MI to 321 Oak Street Dayton, OH
397361 uses - Created 2005-06-06 06:42:23 - Last used 2024-07-26 18:00:51 - Description - http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%s

wiki (Golden Egg)
Search for Wikipedia Articles.
392433 uses - Created 2005-06-09 00:19:06 - Last used 2024-07-26 23:32:28 - Description - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=%s&fulltext=Search

Google Images ---------- Old implementation: http://images.google.com/images?q=%s&&tbo=1
381567 uses - Created 2005-06-17 22:12:15 - Last used 2024-07-26 19:59:33 - Nominate - Description - https://www.google.com/search?q=%s&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch

Search in google.de
355842 uses - Created 2005-07-08 09:19:37 - Last used 2024-07-26 11:47:51 - Nominate - Description - http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%s&btnG=Suche&meta=

it searches for words in wordnet dictionary an online lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets.
352255 uses - Created 2005-11-28 02:12:40 - Last used 2020-08-04 22:17:53 - Nominate - Description - http://dict.die.net/%s

create (Golden Egg)
SYNOPSIS create [command-name] EXAMPLE create Creates a new YubNub command with the given name (must not already exist). You will be prompted for a URL pointing to the implementation of the command -- it might be an existing service (e.g. the Google Image Search submit form), or your own custom implementation sitting on your own server. Welcome to the Web OS: small pieces, loosely joined.
343232 uses - Created 2005-06-04 18:52:07 - Last used 2024-07-27 01:07:28 - Description - http://yubnub.org/command/new?name=%s

gg (Golden Egg)
SYNOPSIS gg [keywords] EXAMPLE gg YubNub Performs a Google search using the given keywords.
290906 uses - Created 2005-06-05 22:44:27 - Last used 2024-07-25 07:57:26 - Description - http://www.google.com/search?q=%s

split (Golden Egg)
NAME split - displays several webpages on a single screen SYNOPSIS split [URL] [URL] [URL] ... EXAMPLE split http://google.com http://yahoo.com http://answers.com split {url g porsche} {url y porsche} {url a porsche} AUTHOR Jonathan Aquino <jonathan.aquino@gmail.com>
285922 uses - Created 2005-07-22 03:45:37 - Last used 2024-07-05 23:35:16 - Description - http://yubnub.org/example/split?type=t&urls=%s

strReplace (Golden Egg)
NAME strReplace - replace all instances of a character or string found within another string SYNOPSIS strReplace -find [TEXT TO FIND] -replace [TEXT TO SUBSITUTE IN] -string [STRING TO BE SEARCHED] EXAMPLES strReplace -find pizza -replace hot dogs -string I like pizza. (returns: I like hot dogs.) strReplace -find a -replace o -string Banana Camera (returns: Bonono Camero) Replaces all instances of a string or character with another string or character, and returns the resulting string. This com…
283216 uses - Created 2005-08-13 19:16:44 - Last used 2024-05-24 09:14:11 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/yubscripts/strings/stringmanip.php?command=strreplace&find=${find}&replace=${replace}&string=${string}&xn_auth=no

leo (Golden Egg)
Check leo for German / English translation
274701 uses - Created 2005-06-05 23:51:23 - Last used 2024-07-26 02:07:01 - Description - http://dict.leo.org/?search=%s

am (Golden Egg)
SYNOPSIS am [keywords] EXAMPLE am a brief history of time Searches Amazon.com using the given keyword (e.g. book title, author, etc.) ---------- Old implementation: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/external-search?mode=blended&keyword={iconv - to ISO-8859-1 -str %s}[use %20 for spaces]
253139 uses - Created 2005-06-04 20:06:51 - Last used 2024-07-25 18:04:27 - Description - http://www.amazon.com/s/?field-keywords=%s

strFind (Golden Egg)
NAME strFind - Returns the position of a string or character within another string SYNOPSIS strFind -find [TEXT TO FIND] -string [STRING TO BE SEARCHED] -reverse [REVERSE SEARCH] EXAMPLES strFind -find b -string abcabc (returns: 2) strFind -find b -string abcabc -reverse true (returns: 5) strFind -find z -string abcabc (returns: 0) Returns the position of the first occurence of a string or character within another string. If nothing is found, the command returns 0. Set -reverse to TRUE if you w…
247850 uses - Created 2005-08-13 19:40:44 - Last used 2019-05-15 09:57:55 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/yubscripts/strings/stringmanip.php?command=strfind&find=${find}&reverse=${reverse=FALSE}&string=${string}&xn_auth=no

eop (Golden Egg)
NAME eop - Checks the value between two tokens in a string. If empty, nothing is returned. If not empty, the whole string is returned. SYNOPSIS eop [STRING] -else [VALUE IF EMPTY] -token [TOKEN VALUE (Default @)] EXAMPLES eop I like @monkeys@ (returns "I like monkeys") eop I like @@ (returns "") eop I like @@ -else Hello World! (returns "Hello World!") http://images.google.com/{eop images?q=@%s@} (If %s has a value, you are sent to http://images.google.com/images?q=%s, if it has no value you ar…
244652 uses - Created 2006-04-02 16:43:25 - Last used 2023-03-03 11:24:35 - Description - ifthen -value1 {strfind -find ${token=@}${token=@} -string %s} -value2 0 -test equal -then {strreplace -find ${token=@} -replace -string %s} -else ${else}

wpde (Golden Egg)
German Wikipedia Search
243622 uses - Created 2005-06-05 22:35:53 - Last used 2024-07-26 09:20:28 - Description - http://de.wikipedia.org?search=%s

gmaps (Golden Egg)
Google Maps Search. Google Maps has several handy features included within it. To map out a single location, just type the address. Example: gmaps 123 Maple Dr. Detroit, MI To find businesses or other specific things, simply give the location and business. Example: pizza in Detroit To get directions from one location to another, type both locations. Example: from 123 Maple Dr. Detroit, MI to 321 Oak Street Dayton, OH
223388 uses - Created 2005-06-06 06:41:12 - Last used 2024-07-26 12:25:56 - Description - http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%s

explode (Golden Egg)
NAME explode - Explodes a string to an array in xml, xoxo, or json(p) format EXAMPLES explode 1,2,3,4 Returns XML-style 'array' with elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 explode 1+2+3+4 -token + Returns XML-style 'array' with elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 explode 1,2,3,4 -as xoxo Returns XOXO-style 'array' with elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 explode 1,2,3,4 -as json Returns JSON-style 'array' with elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 explode 1,2,3,4 -as json -callback x Returns JSONP-style 'array' with elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 using …
211556 uses - Created 2006-04-25 11:02:09 - Last used 2023-07-30 06:14:20 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/singpolymaplay/yubnub-explode.php?xn_auth=no&data=%s&token=${token=,}&as=${as=xml}&callback=${callback}

foreach (Golden Egg)
NAME foreach - Loop through an 'array' and runs a YubNub command EXAMPLES foreach {explode 1,2,3,4} echos each array item 1, 2, 3, and 4 (as produced by explode) foreach {explode 1,2,3,4} -cmd sum 1 echos each array item increased by one foreach {explode 1,2,3,4} -cmd var tmp -set [|sum 1 %s|] sets var tmp to one greater than each array item, in order foreach {explode 1,2,3,4} -as array gives back an XML-type 'array' with the elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 foreach {explode 1,2,3,4} -as array -type xox…
207531 uses - Created 2006-04-25 12:13:22 - Last used 2021-04-02 06:30:56 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/singpolymaplay/yubnub-foreach.php?xn_auth=no&data=%s&cmd=${cmd=echo}&as=${as}&type=${type}&callback=${callback}

mash2 (Golden Egg)
NAME mash2 - A rewrite of the mash command that allows for multiple keywords and unlimited commands. SYNOPSIS mash2 [KEYWORDS] -cmd [YUBNUB COMMANDS] EXAMPLES mash2 singpolyma comments -cmd g y am a gfl gdeff del2 Mashes the results for 'singpolyma comments' from the g, y, am, a, gfl, gdeff, and del2 commands on one page. NOTES See also : mash, mashswitch, mash2test, ms2 AUTHOR Stephen Paul Weber a.k.a. Singpolyma http://singpolyma-tech.blogspot.com/ Kudos to Brian A a.k.a. chicagosage for his …
205923 uses - Created 2006-11-22 17:42:37 - Last used 2023-11-24 14:02:15 - Description - split {foreach {explode ${cmd} -token <space>} -cmd echo [|url %25s %s|] -as <space>}

facebook search for keyword or shortcut to facebook main page (if no keyword given) searches Names, Profiles, Groups, Events in All Networks for keyword Examples: fbk john doe alaska (goes to http://www.facebook.com/s.php?q=john+doe+alaska) fbk (goes to http://www.facebook.com)
189452 uses - Created 2005-06-25 02:53:32 - Last used 2024-07-23 16:22:53 - Nominate - Description - http://www.facebook.com{ifThen -value1 %s -value2 -test NOTEQUAL -then /s.php?q=%s}

Use the "DuckDuckGo" Search Engine. To search DuckDuckGo for "Linux" just type: Example: ddg Linux
189309 uses - Created 2009-05-26 01:48:50 - Last used 2024-07-27 00:54:46 - Nominate - Description - http://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s

30dc tool. Automatically checks phrase against MYI
189286 uses - Created 2007-08-08 21:04:10 - Last used 2014-02-02 12:13:49 - Nominate - Description - http://www.google.com/trends?q=male+yeast+infection%2C+%22%s%22&ctab=0&geo=all&date=all&sort=0

Automatically adds quotations to your search phrase, as well as "&gl=US".
188562 uses - Created 2007-08-09 03:02:51 - Last used 2018-03-03 20:14:44 - Nominate - Description - http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22%s%22&btnG=Google+Search&gl=US

man (Golden Egg)
SYNOPSIS man command-name EXAMPLE man gim Displays helpful information about the given command. "man" stands for "manual". You're looking at man information right now!
177265 uses - Created 2005-06-04 15:18:55 - Last used 2024-07-27 01:07:24 - Description - http://yubnub.org/kernel/man?args=%s

Google's I Feel Lucky option Takes you to the 1st option.
169746 uses - Created 2005-06-24 02:56:41 - Last used 2024-07-25 21:27:49 - Nominate - Description - http://google.com/search?q=%s&btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky

search the pirate bay
169509 uses - Created 2005-06-20 20:44:00 - Last used 2024-07-26 01:45:33 - Nominate - Description - http://thepiratebay.org/search/%s/0/7/0[use %20 for spaces]

ebay (Golden Egg)
Ebay auction item search
162221 uses - Created 2005-06-06 00:47:24 - Last used 2024-07-26 17:52:41 - Description - http://www.ebay.com/sch/items/?_nkw=%s

Searches on Youtube, in case yt is too hard to remember
161774 uses - Created 2006-01-27 21:46:59 - Last used 2024-07-26 10:16:55 - Nominate - Description - http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=search_videos&search_sort=relevance&search_query=%s&search=Search

Google Maps
148698 uses - Created 2005-06-24 00:52:34 - Last used 2024-07-26 19:33:51 - Nominate - Description - http://maps.google.com/maps?oi=map&q=%s

scrape (Golden Egg)
NAME scrape - display a snippet of text parsed from a web page. SYNOPSIS scrape -tokens TOKENS -dirs DIRECTIONS -url URL [options] Mandatory arguments: -tokens <token_list_string> A list of tokens (delimited by spaces) which the user has determined to be sufficient to consistently point the parser to the exact location of the required data. For example -tokens <title> </title> would return all characters between these two HTML tags. -dirs <direction_list_string> A list of directions associated …
145870 uses - Created 2005-07-22 03:42:49 - Last used 2024-06-09 13:53:28 - Description - http://efridge.net/yubnub/parse.php?ynp_tokens=${tokens}&ynp_dirs=${dirs}&yndesturl=${url}&ynp_debug=${debug=0}&ynp_http=${method=get}&ynp_scrape=${textonly=1}

gmail (Golden Egg)
With no parameter, opens GMail, with a parameter, searches GMail for parameter (must be logged in). Examples: gmail - opens GMail gmail world peace - searches GMail for world peace (if logged in) Stian Haklev, shaklev@gmail.com. My first command using eop, thanks Allen, this is awesome!
145479 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:39:07 - Last used 2024-07-26 15:16:31 - Description - https://gmail.google.com/{eop gmail?search=query&q=@%s@&view=tl&fs=1}

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